A quick heads-up for everyone out there suffering the limited function of the built in camera mapping tools in 3ds max.

Marcus Boos launched an Indigogo campaign to have his “Camera Map Gemini” plugin recompiled for 3ds Max 2015 which was quickly funded.  The latest version is now available to download for free from his website.

Here are some of the key features :


  • supports up to 10 individual projections ( = camera & map channel ) within 1 modifier, good for complex projection setups
  • custom projection resolution settings and not tied to render resolution, more flexibility for aspect ratios that diverge from rendered output image
  • all projections can be toggled on and off individually within the modifier
  • projection camera names clearly visible in separate scrolling text field
  • projection cameras directly selectable in the modifier panel
  • acts like a WorldSpace Camera Map modifier, takes object and camera transformation into account (this means if an object is moving through the projection it will update every frame), projections will always stay “live” and recalculate on the fly if the camera or the projected object is animated
  • is in fact a regular ObjectSpace modifier, so other modifiers still can go on top
  • more stable than 3ds max’s default Camera Map object space and world space modifiers, no more lost connections to cameras or mapping channel numbers when cloning, no reassignment necessary
  • works properly as instanced modifier, many objects can share the same projection setup
  • all parameters exposed and controllable via MAXScript
  • since it is a modifier that projection results can be seen in viewport by turning on map
  • option to act as an object space modifier so that projections are frozen at a certain frame
  • custom resolution per projection channel, each projection can have its own map size now
  • per pixel rendering supported by custom CameraMapGeminiMap. It works like the CameraMapPerPixel map but reads out modifier’s settings so projections only need to be set up once (in modifier).
  • CameraMapGeminiMap has additional controls for projection angle threshold, toggles for projecting on back faces and faces behind the camera
  • fully backwards compatible from MAX 2012. If scenes are saved out from MAX 2012 in the MAX 2010 or MAX 2011 file format, plugin data will load properly in those earlier MAX versions


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