
Update tools

Refresh All : Sometimes changes in your scene may not have been picked up by mission control; eg new material or texture assignments. Clicking this button does a full refresh of Mission Control data and should pick up every object/class in your scene.
Refresh Spreadsheet Values : Sometimes Mission Control will miss updates to the current parameter values shown in the spreadsheet view. Clicking this will force a refresh of all values in your spreadsheet. This is much quicker than a full refresh as it doesn’t cause Mission Control to analyse your scene in full.
Pin Class : By default Mission Control will change the selected class to match your current selection. If you want to prevent this from happening, you can pin the currently selected class by clicking this botton. Once pinned, you can still change class by making a selection from the ‘class browser’.
Pause Update : Sometimes you may wish to run a script or perform a repetitive action that causes Mission Control to update repeatedly, causing an undesirable reduction in performance. You can prevent Mission Control from automatically updating by toggling this button. Once finished, untick this button and hit the refresh button to update your Mission Control data.

UI toggles

Toggle ‘Class Browser’ : Toggles the visibility of the ‘Class browser’ panel.
Toggle ‘Parameter Browser’ : Toggles the visibility of the ‘Parameter browser’ panel.

Mode toggles

Object Property Mode : When selected, the properties of your selected class will be available for listing in the spreadsheet.
Node Property Mode : When selected, the ‘node’ properties (eg position, rotation, material, gbuffer channel, etc) of your selected class will be available for listing in the spreadsheet.
Anim Property Mode : When selected, the sub-anim properties of your selected class will be available for listing in the spreadsheet.
VRay Property Mode : When selected, the VRay properties of your selected class will be available for listing in the spreadsheet. This button will not be available for non-node type classes.

Filter toggles

Filter selected toggle : When active, hides unselected classes and objects from Mission Control.
Filter visible toggle : When active, hides non visible classes and objects from Mission Control.
Filter frozen toggle : When active, hides frozen classes and objects from Mission Control.


Opens the Mission Control preferences dialog.
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